Speaking and presentations to inspire audiences to get women and girls excited about STEM/CTE |

Donna Milgram, top expert for closing the gender gap for women and girls
About Donna Milgram:
Donna Milgram, the Executive Director of the National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science (IWITTS), has dedicated her career to helping educators and employers close the gender gap for women and girls in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) career pathways -- from engineering and computer networking to auto technology to law enforcement. She shares her 25 plus years of research, insight, and experience through innovative, evidence-based professional development trainings and dynamic, informative keynote and conference presentations.
A nationally-recognized expert on women and workforce development issues, Donna has testified before the U.S. Congress and appeared extensively in the news media. Her media appearances include CNN, Fox Morning News, C-Span and The Merrow Report on National Public Radio. She has been quoted in major newspapers such as The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and The Chicago Tribune. Her Keynote presentations include “Engaging Girls in Engineering Classes and Career Pathways”, Engineering for Kids National Conference; “Closing the Gender Gap in STEM Fields.” Idaho STEM Innovations Conference.
Ms. Milgram's diverse and extensive experience includes serving as Principal Investigator for 5 National Science Foundation grants and as Project Director of a U.S. Department of Labor and a National Institute of Justice grant. She has testified before Congress as an expert on women and workforce development on 3 occasions. Prior to founding IWITTS, she spent a year as Congressional Aide on Capitol Hill and drafted the Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations Act (WANTO). In addition, she is a noted author and an authority on women in law enforcement.
Keynote Topic:
Unlocking the Secrets to Successfully Recruiting and Retaining Women and Girls in STEM/CTE
Although women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers earn nearly a third more than those in non-STEM careers, women are still significantly underrepresented in these fields. There are strategies proven to increase recruitment of female students, and to help women and girls succeed in STEM/CTE programs. So what are highly successful programs doing differently? In this inspiring presentation, rich with original insight and innovative approaches, Donna explains why we haven't yet closed the gender gap for women in STEM and provides proven steps to help us get there.
Donna can discuss customizing her keynote presentation to your needs. Contact Donna
What People Are Saying:
"Donna is so passionate about her work it shows. That passion is infectious and can only serve to close the digital divide."
~ Geri Hertel, CIS Professor, Olympic College
"Donna is an excellent, articulate presenter with an in-depth knowledge base. She is funny, personable, and flexible."
~ Jan Hathaway, New Media Arts Instructor, Kapiolani Community College
Partial List of Past Speaking and Training Clients:
- CyberSmart Summit: North America’s Only Cybersecurity Skills & Workforce Development (2019)
- Women in Cybersecurity: 24 Hours for Stronger Cybersecurity Roundtable by New America and National Initiative on Cybersecurity Education (NICE) (2018)
- Advisory Committee of the Education Human Resources Division of NSF on "Increasing Participation of Women in the Skilled Technical Workforce" (2017)
- STEMconnector Advisory Meeting on Broadening Participation in STEM Higher Education: Industry's Vital Role, "Increasing Participation of Women in the Skilled Technical Workforce" (2017)
- NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Principal Investigators Conference (2012-2017)
- Panelist on “Equity and Access in STEM Education” at Moving STEM Forward in the Career, Technical and Adult Education Symposium by Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education for 50 top education leaders (2014)
- Panelist, MIT Challenging Technical Privilege Symposium (2014)
- Association of University Women (AAUW) Webinar (2013)
- High Impact Technology Exchange Conference (HI-TEC) (2013)
- Live AAUW Webcast for Release of Research Report (2013)
- Mid-Pacific Information & Communications Technologies (MPICT) (2013)
- STEM Think Tank & Conference (2013)
- U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau and American (2013)
- American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference (2011)
- Women in Engineering Proactive Network (WEPAN) Conference (2011)
- American Association of Community Colleges Annual Conference (2009)
- Congressional Testimony for School-to-Work Opportunities Act: Provided expert testimony on women and girls in technology to the House and Senate Subcommittee (1994)
- Congressional Testimony for Sexual Harassment of Women in Nontraditional Occupations, House Subcommitte (1992)
Key Publications:
Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE),Techniques Magazine, “Intention to Action: Recruiting Women to CTE,” Nov/Dec 2019.
International Technology & Engineering Education Association (ITEEA), The Technology and Engineering Teacher Magazine, Cover Article: "How to Recruit Women & Girls to the STEM Classroom," November 2011. (Won Award for this Article at ITEEA’s National Conference)