Live webinar presented on: Wednesday, November 7 2013 (46 minutes)


Learn about a computer programming professor who finally found the tools she needed to improve enrollment and retention of women in STEM (male retention increased, too!) after taking a WomenTech Educators Training with follow up support.

Associate Professor Barbara DuFrain increased her female enrollment by 62% and increased the retention of her female and male students by 45% in less than a year.

After implementing her recruitment plan, female students made up an average of 21% of Barbara's introductory programming courses compared to a baseline of 13% female -- a 62% increase.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to effectively use online outreach strategies like YouTube videos.
  • Career events that include female role models.
  • Classroom retention strategies that work right away.
  • Icebreakers to engage and connect students early in the semester.
  • The importance of teaming and pair programming in the lab.

Presented by:
Barbara DuFrain, Associate Professor, CS, Engineering and Advanced Technology, Del Mar College, TX

Hosted by: Donna Milgram, Executive Director of the Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Science (IWITTS)

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