Get started increasing the number of female students in your STEM and trades courses with these free resources |
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IWITTS has collected and developed close to 200 articles, tutorials, webinars, reports, and case studies to help educators recruit and retain more female students in STEM and trades career pathways. Check back frequently to see our latest resources.
Female Role Model Tutorial

This short tutorial will show you how to find female role models working in your school's STEM career pathways. Find a female role model who’s willing to speak to your class, or post an interview with a female role model on your program’s website. With this tutorial, you'll learn exactly what you need to know to inspire more female students in your school's STEM career pathways.
Click here to check out the female role model tutorial.
White Paper: How to Recruit Women & Girls to STEM

Learn the secret to successfully recruiting women and girls to the STEM classroom in this free special report. Need more women in your science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) classes? This white paper on "How to Recruit Women and Girls to the STEM" was written by Donna Milgram, the Executive Director of IWITTS, and highlights proven practices that will help fill your classes with women.
Click here to get a copy of this special report.
Free Women in STEM Webinars for Educators

What are the best practices to help female students succeed and thrive in science, technology engineering and math programs? Join IWITTS’s Executive Director Donna Milgram for a live, 1-hour webinar to learn proven, low-cost strategies that two-year colleges, four-year colleges and universities, high schools, and middle schools can implement right away so that more female students will complete their STEM education.
Click here to register for IWITTS’s next free webinar for educators.
Past Webinars

Visit IWITTS’s webinar archive to watch past webinars for educators on special topics in recruitment and retention featuring guest experts and IWITTS’s Executive Director Donna Milgram. Past webinars include "Teaching Spatial Reasoning to Improve Retention of Women in Technology" and "From the Trenches: One Educator’s Success Story of Increasing the Retention of Female Students in Her STEM Program".
Click here to watch all of IWITTS’s free archived webinars.
The Proven Practices Collection

IWITTS’s Proven Practices Collection brings educators a research-based blueprint for recruiting and retaining women and girls in the technology classroom. You'll find over a hundred journal articles and proven practice case studies organized into clear categories such as "Recruitment" and "Learning Style".
Click here to start browsing articles in the Proven Practices Collection.
The WomenTech Educators Training got us thinking intentionally about who we were going to target for outreach, how we were going to target them, and how we would follow up to make sure we had actual results linked to the different programs and events that we were holding. Since then, it has grown organically and blossomed into something that our college just does naturally.
I think getting together as a team with intention—because we're all so busy—and developing a written plan that we could stick to was what made all the difference. I don’t think we would have ever done that if it wasn't for the WomenTech Educators Training.